Thursday, April 28, 2016

It's Coming

Summer has been the last thing on my mind... until a few days ago. It hit me like a ton of bricks (or a random hot humid day) that summer vacation is nearly here. So I'm making our summer plans. Here they are: have fun.

That's it. Fun.

I'm not signing up for a bunch of events and classes and camps. I signed C up for swim lessons. That's it. We'll visit Chris when he's at camp. We'll go to the beach. We'll play at the splashpad and meet up with friends from our neighborhood. I'm hoping to have friends over frequently to play and eat. I want a summer of kids in the pool and adults on the deck with a cold drink. I want an icebox cake in the fridge, watermelon running down people's chins, and Chris standing at the grill. That sounds like summer.

I want long days at the beach. Kids in the surf and on the slip n slide. More watermelon. More cook outs. Crab boils and croquet. Boat rides. Yes, summer days at the beach sound just fine.

I'm squirreling away new craft supplies and projects. We'll go to the library. Maybe we'll take a roadtrip.

Summer days are coming. I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I can't wait either--at least for the parts that I get to share=BEACH!
