Monday, March 7, 2016


Sunday was glorious. We got to spend time with an old friend (Carolena's Godmother "Denny") who came to church with us and spent the afternoon eating lunch with us at home. I accidentally ate three plates of food. But I mean... in my defense... it was good.

Denny brought Nils a little safari vest from her recent trip to Africa and that kid loves it. He put it right on yelling, "zip! zip!" (the whole front of it has a zipper). Once he had it on C said to him, "Nils! You can wear that to the zoo!" I'll try to get a pic of him in it later. I'm excited to see what treasures we'll find in those pockets as he wears it around.

I led a Quiet Day for our church last weekend. When I teach for my own church I don't charge but they surprised me with a Starbucks giftcard yesterday! What?! Unexpected surprises are so fabulous. I figured it would have enough for me to get a latte and was giddy... and then I registered it on the website and saw that it has enough money on it for me to get reeeeallllyyyy caffeinated! Party! Party! Evidently those women know me well. The way to my heart is definitely through coffee.

And now, I leave you with the story I told C this morning:
When we lived in Austin, shortly after C was born a friend send us a Greenling box (a big box that arrives full of awesome local food). It was such a great gift. A few months later we went out of town and arrived home to another Greenling gift on our doorstep... which the racoons had discovered before we did. The box was ripped open and food was strewn all over the doorstep. Everything had little tastes gone or was ripped apart. Everything was there. Everything except the caramel corn. We later found the empty bag.

So, the moral of the story is: no matter what you eat today, unless you taste and reject a bunch of healthy food and then only eat caramel corn, at least you are one step ahead of the racoons.

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