Sunday, June 23, 2013


So these days the only thing empty around here is my blog... and occasionally my stomach.

Our house is full. It looks like a pack of wolves took up residence here. In fact, wolves might be living in our second bedroom and come out to ransack our house at night and we haven't even noticed.

Carolena is full. Full of energy, full of happiness, full of dances to dance, full of things to say.

My car is full. Unfortunately, the Prius is not currently full on gas or oil... but there are plenty of toddler shoes, random toys, and crumbs. I wouldn't be surprised if the wolf pack occasionally hangs out in there as well.

My heart is full. Chris and I celebrate our seventh anniversary tomorrow... love for my little Carolena... and a second baby due at the end of January.

Yes, my blog is somewhat empty... but the Duncans are full.

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